Modelling and Simulation

Modelling and simulation to improve the accuracy of your forecasts and assess and plan for possible risks

In an environment where the threat grows almost daily, resources continue to be squeezed and Defence systems are ever more complex, how do you define the optimal support solution within the project constraints of time and budget?

modellingA combination of our modelling and simulation expertise and a simulation toolset provides for effective identification and quantification of key cost and programme drivers to support budget forecasts, solution options trade offs and down-selection of affordable and sustainable business options. We use our specialist modelling and simulation knowledge and experience to quantify and evaluate operational risks, supported by the exploitation of effective and integrated modelling toolsets. We fully understand the issues and costs associated with developing and delivering a support solution and the criticality of meeting the requirement for an affordable, available and sustainable operational capability.

A highly flexible and scalable modelling capability for a wide range of business critical analyses

Aspîre has both the expertise and experience to quantify the variability and sensitivity associated with cost and equipment availability drivers, to determine potential risks of taking solutions options forward to maturity and in-service support to deliver key customer requirements. Exploitation of the Aspîre toolset enables dynamic process simulation providing a highly flexible and scalable capability for business processes and cost and sensitivity analyses, including:

  • Service based modelling techniques.
  • Operational availability vs. cost.
  • Training regime effectiveness and cost vs. fielding and operational sustainment requirements.
  • Cost of production vs. capability fielding profile.
  • Optimisation of support solutions against affordability.
  • Risks and opportunities of service management and support solutions scenarios.

“If the only tool in your tool box is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail”

Aspîre is ‘tool agnostic’, which means that we have invested heavily in a wide range of tools, ranging from high end discrete event simulation tools to Excel spread sheets. Aspîre’s strategy is to deploy the most appropriate analytical technique, implemented by the most appropriate tools by highly capable and experienced people.

Aspîre is increasingly required to deliver a modelling “capability’ to our clients as opposed to the provision of a model built to meet their requirements. Such an approach gives the client great flexibility and it transfers all the responsibility for managing data and data integrity, for maintaining the necessary skills, for running the models and compiling the results and for updating and maintaining the model to Aspîre.

What type of modelling is right for your organisation?

No two businesses needs are the same, which means that our modelling and simulation services are tailored to meet the needs of each customer. To discuss how we can help you to plan better for the future of your business, contact us today by email or by calling 01827 723 820.