Human Factors Courses

Human Factors Courses take an in-depth look at some of the human factors that can impact on profitability, productivity and safety: human-computer interaction, task analysis, workstation design, environmental ergonomics and human reliability.

The courses are presented by InterAction of Bath [IoB], a consultancy, which since its  foundation in 1991 has developed considerable expertise in HF subject areas. IoB has worked in partnership with Aspire for many years, supplying training courses and expert services.  Their emphasis on the quality of the deliverables will ensure that those who attend this training courses will find it valuable.



Introduction to Human Factors

This one-day course is designed to impart a basic understanding of Human Factors (HF). By the end of the course, delegates can be expected to understand the core areas of the subject and the improvements good HF practice can make to safety, efficiency and productivity.

1 Day

£499 + VAT

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Human Factors Further (CIEHF accredited)

The discipline of Human Factors (HF) is otherwise known as ergonomics, human performance engineering, user-centred design, usability engineering or people-related requirements. This course takes to a higher level some of the themes developed in the basic course, and introduces new concepts in the challenging areas of anthropometry, task analysis and human error.

2 Days

£899 + VAT

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