Supportability Engineering and ILS Courses

Supportability Engineering and ILS Courses – Optimising the performance of plant, systems, platforms or assets and reducing costs by analysing the performance, usage environment, reliability, maintenance, support needs and Life Cycle Cost.

Supportability Engineering and ILS courses are designed to provide the delegate with a high level of knowledge of all the aspects that are contained within an integrated logistic support (ILS) system. Our courses are based on foundation principles derived from Def Stan 00-600 and contained in Joint Service Publication (JSP) 886 (now contained with the Defence Logistic Framework (DLF), and are applicable to defence and civil industry alike.



Principles of Supportability Engineering (SE)

This course gives the delegate a broad understanding of the complex topic of Supportability Engineering (in Defence terminology Integrated Logistic Support) and the associated topics of Logistic Support Analysis [LSA] and Reliability and Maintainability (R&M). The course is aimed at those personnel becoming involved in a Supportability Engineering programme for the first time and Project Managers requiring an overview.

2 Days

£800 + VAT

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Principles of Supportability Engineering & Logistics Support Analysis Principles and Practice (PSE & LSA)

A practical course which teaches the application and management of Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) within a System Engineering context. After a general introduction to Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) and LSA the course follows the LSA process through the system life cycle. In each phase of the life cycle the relevant theories and concepts are introduced and these are then consolidated by the performance of a series of practical exercises.

5 Days

£1700 + VAT

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Principles of Availability, Reliability & Maintainability (A, R & M) – COMING SOON

The course addresses the general principles behind the concept of an Availability, Reliability and Maintainability (AR&M) Programme and focuses in particular upon the management aspects that need to be addressed, the engineering activities involved and the relationship and utility of commonly used parameters of interest and techniques.

4 Days

£1299 + VAT

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Principles of Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) – COMING SOON

This course is designed to provide the delegate with a high level of understanding of the Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) principles and processes, as well as the facilitation of RCM

3 Days

£1199 + VAT

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