
What problem does it solve?
Support Engineering techniques like failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), reliability-centred maintenance (RCM), task analysis (TA) etc. all use data that is related. Often though, each discipline creates its own version of that data which can lead to problems with configuration control or loss of context. This gets further exacerbated if there are more than one version of the equipment.
Astar puts data at the heart of support engineering and allows an organisation to control, configure and maximise the reuse of common analytical data across support engineering disciplines.

What problem does it solve?
Every organisation has data and, invariably, different uses for that data. Often, the techniques used to manipulate the data are labour intensive and repeated between departments or areas of responsibilities.
Epic is a data transformation tool that will convert data from multiple sources into whatever output is required, at the press of a button.

What problem does it solve?
Any organisation worth it’s salt is looking to smooth the way it both gathers and uses it’s data. Some organisations are better at it than others. Believe it or not, in the 21st century, there are organisations that still rely on dispersed personnel gathering data on handwritten forms, for those forms to be sent back to an office where – at best – they are hand-typed into spreadsheets.
It is labour intensive, often effort is duplicated, it takes a number of people to get the data from the original hand-written worksheet into a digital format and then, if there is even the will, to use/re-use the data.
Fidget allows an organisation to improve the way its data is collected ‘in the field’, allowing it to be stored logically and manipulated as required.