
Electronic PublicatIons Capability

Every business has data in one form or another. Whether it’s in spreadsheets or databases, generating reports can be a complex, involved matter.

Aspîre has developed a technique for transforming data from a multitude of sources, into something entirely different. Epic has been used to extract data from SharePoint to produce PDF newsletters, to download information from public web-service sites to produce reports based on open data, and to produce aerospace technical documentation based on maintenance analysis entered into Aspîre’s own Support Engineering tool – A*.

This is just the beginning.

Epic enables you to import data from a variety of different sources (spreadsheets, XML files, databases and web services), translate that data, using internet-standards-based techniques (XSLT 2.0), and generate a variety of output
documents (PDF documents, MS Word documents, website files, XML files and many more).

Because Epic is independent from the data sources from which it reads data, and because it can generate files of many different types, there is no real limit to what may be achieved. The transformation process is completely detached from the data source.