
The FIeld Data Gathering and Exploitation Toolset

Designed to address the problems associated with the collection of data/information, in a variety of forms, from multiple locations and in instances where it is difficult, not practicable or not financially viable, to install fixed, permanent systems.

Applicable to so many scenarios; vehicle fleets, buildings, plant and platforms, physical condition data, process compliance, text, photographs, video, audio, sensor data, etc.

The aim – the benefit – of FIDGET is that it facilitates effective and efficient data collection, collation and utilisation.

FIDGET is comprised of a:

There is nothing radical in this but, what it allows is the one-time creation of live data that, once uploaded to the FIDGET Server, can be viewed by anybody in the organisation or by their customers via the FIDGET Web application (if they have the appropriate permissions), who can then manipulate (if and as necessary) and use that data.

The Mobile App is designed to work both with and without a data connection to the server, with data upload/download being manually initiated by the deployed personnel when a connection becomes available.

For details of how Fidget could be tailored to meet your remote data gathering needs, please get in touch with us via our contact page.

Web Application Images

Mobile Application Images