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OUR NEXT COURSES: 22 July DSAT, 12 Aug PSE & LSA, 9 Sept RCM

Aspire Blog

Global ILS Symposium

Aspire help bring together a global event for the integrated support community! In June, Aspire was very proud to help put together an event for the global integrated support community. With events held across 2 days, in 3 time zones, this celebration was put together...

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Four lessons for a good ILS implementation on a rail project

The rail industry has a particular focus on customer service due to the massive and complex system that applies to it. These complex systems give an advantage to the manufacturer to propose a service to support their system. At a time when most governments around the world prioritize a friendly ecological transport system and invest more in rail projects, The service business of the rail industry has a promising future, particularly in the EU where public rail monopolies will give way to open competition.

To excel in service delivery, it’s essential to first establish a robust support system that enables efficient management of your assets.

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RCM cuts like a razor (Go with me)…

Download this article as a PDF Recently, I grew a beard. In truth, I go through cycles of it (the duration of those cycles tends to be governed by my wife’s patience) and the term ‘beard’ may be a little optimistic. But I grow enough facial hair to change the...

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RCM: Battling the hidden agenda

Download this article as a PDF Any reliability-centred maintenance (RCM) practitioner worth their salt will be able to wax lyrical about how vital understanding the operating context is to a successful analysis but… What of the context of the RCM study itself? ... The...

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